Sustainable CO2 Today
What is it?:
Carbon dioxide, is used in fizzy drinks, refrigeration of food, fire-extinguishers, and medical treatment. Its a large market (7 Billion USD). The carbon dioxide is expensive, and comes from fossil fuels such as coal. Green, sustainable carbon dioxide (CO2) is produced by natural processes, such as breweries, wineries, and yeast or from generation of energy from biomass. Its currently just released into the atmosphere where it dissipates and becomes harder to recapture.

OOYOO’s technology can catch local green CO2:
Conventionally it only made economic sense to catch CO2 in large processing plants. These plants can’t catch CO2 from a microbrewery, or winery. OOYOO’s filter technology can scale down to the size needed for small industries.

Why change to sustainable CO2?:
- If your factories emit natural CO2, OOYOO’s technology allows you to catch it, make money from it and both you and your customer will be on right side of history.
- CO2 produced using OOYOO is automatically food grade since it comes from natural processes, but costs much less than the current commercial CO2.
Some Benefits of sustainable CO2:

Why is the OOYOO Process better?:
Only membrane technologies can scale down, to complete portability OOYOO membranes are 3 times faster at processing than other membrane technology.
CO2 capture via the OOYOO process is the cheapest way to concentrate carbon dioxide at small or large scale.